

Casual topic for science.

What science tells us about Biden, Trump and evaluating an aging brain

On Election Day, former president Donald Trump will be 78 years old, and President Biden will be a couple weeks shy of 82. Never have two people of such advanced age been the nominees of the major political parties,

What science tells us about Biden, Trump and evaluating an aging brain

On Election Day, former president Donald Trump will be 78 years old, and President Biden will be a couple weeks shy of 82. Never have two people of such advanced age been the nominees of the major political parties,

'More Neanderthal than human': How your health may depend on DNA from our long-lost ancestors

"In some places in our genome, we're more Neanderthal than we are human," Joshua Akey, a professor of integrative genomics at Princeton University, told Live Science. These were our closest human relatives,

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