
Software Requirements

Web Application


Public Key Authentication

Set up (Unix with OpenSSL) How to create a private-public key pair on Unix:

openssl genrsa -out private.pem 4096

Extract the public key from the private key:

openssl rsa -pubout -in private.pem -out public.pem

Upload the public key (and only the public key) public.pem to the server. Your public key file should look like this:

-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

Alternatively, you can copy the public key to the clipboard and paste it into the server's web interface.

Keep your private key private.pem safe, you are going to need it later to prove your identity and it is your responsibility to keep it safe. We strongly advise to use a password protected private key.

More information:

Set up (Kinkdom)

  1. Click Generate new key pair.
  2. Click Download private key.

Keep your private key private.pem safe, you are going to need it later to prove your identity and it is your responsibility to keep it safe. We strongly advise to use a password protected private key.

Challenge (Unix with OpenSSL) Whenever challenged, sign the payload with your private key:

openssl dgst -sha512 -sign private.pem -out signature.bin challenge.bin

(Note: the -n flag is important to avoid a newline character being added to the payload.)

Upload the signature signature.bin to the server.

Alternatively, you can input the challenge copied from the web interface, generate the output as hex using the -hex switch and paste the signature into the server's web interface.

echo -n "CHALLENGE" | openssl dgst -sha512 -sign private.pem -out signature.bin

More information:

Challenge (Kinkdom)

  1. Click Browse private key
  2. Select your private key private.pem
  3. Click Sign challenge